Solutions to Common Problems

If CalR says you are "disconnected from server" or you have a similar problem uploading CSV files, try these fixes:

Make sure your CSV files have been prepared and exported correctly:

Columbus Instruments: Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS):

After an experiment has been completed and stopped, open the Oxymax program and select "Run Oxymax as Data Viewer". When prompted, choose the hardware configuration file (.INI) used for setting up your experiment. Next, navigate to File > Open experiment data and open the .CDTA file from the CLAMS run. Once opened, navigate to File > Export > Export all subject CSV's. Each cage run by the CLAMS system generates a separate output file, all of which are needed for analysis with CalR.

Example Oxymax File:

Oxymax File

Sable Systems: Promethion:

The high-density data collected by Promethion systems necessitates pre-processing steps to reduce file sizes and processing times. The Expedata software system allows for macro functions which will produce standardized output formats. Macro 13 provides users with the metabolic variables of interest at each reading for each cage. CalR can import data generated by Macro 13 processing. Files must first be saved as CSV formatted files.

Example Sable File:

Sable File

TSE: PhenoMaster/LabMaster:

The TSE system produces three outputs for each mass-dependent variable: values normalized to total body weight, e.g., VO2(1), allometric scaling to approximate normalization to lean body mass VO2(2), or uncorrected values VO2 (3). CalR uses this latter set, the uncorrected values for VO2(3), VCO2(3), and EE, denoted as H(3). To select the variables suitable for CalR, go to the "View" menu and select the following parameters: XT+YT, XA, YA, H(3), VO2(3), VCO2(3), RER, Drink, Feed, and Weight. Also, make sure that the "Export table" setting is "Format 1". When ready to export, enter the "Export" menu and navigate to Export > Table and set "Save as type" to be ".CSV".

Example TSE File:

TSE File

Do not open or edit your CSV files:

Once you have exported your CSV files, avoid opening them in Excel or other programs, because they may reformat the data. Most importantly, do not edit any part of the CSV files before uploading them to CalR.

Update your calorimetry software:

Instruments' Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS)

Sable Systems' Promethion

TSE's PhenoMaster/LabMaster